5個中英文的主要文法分別 #2 : 字形變化

在本系列的 #1中,我們討論了中文的句子結構容許省略名詞,而英文不能。

現在,我們來看另一個中英文的主要的文法分別 – 英文會轉變字形來表達不同的意思及文法資訊,但中文的字形在任何情況下,都是固定不變的。

語言學家將英文歸類為所謂的「綜合性」語言(synthetic language),中文則屬於所謂的「分析性」語言(analytic language)。




  1. 我琴日迪士尼。

  2. 我聽日迪士尼。

  3. 我哋幾年都一直有迪士尼。

  4. 迪士尼好好玩。



  1. I went to Disneyland.

  2. I am going to Disneyland.

  3. I have been going to Disneyland a lot these past few years.

  4. Going to Disneyland is fun. 





  1. 呢間餐廳好出名。

  2. 香港有好多出名嘅餐廳



  1. This restaurant is famous.

  2. There are many famous restaurants in Hong Kong.

而相信大家都知道,(大部分)可數的英文名詞在表現眾數時,會加入字尾「-s」(發音是 /s/ 或 /z/)。







Translate the following simple sentences into English, paying attention to word forms.

  1. 嗰邊有好多。佢架係新嘅。

  1. 我想籃球。籃球好好玩。



  1. There are many cars over there. His car is new.

  1. I want to play basketball. Playing basketball is fun. 


(English version) 

5 Main Differences between Chinese and English Grammar

#2: Word form changes

In #1 of this series, we explored how Chinese grammar allows the dropping of nouns within the structure of a sentence, but English grammar does not allow it. 

This time, let’s look at another major difference between the grammars of the two languages, which is that words in English change forms to express different meanings and grammatical information, while Chinese words do not ever change forms.

Linguists classify English as a so-called “synthetic” language and Chinese as a so-called “analytic” language. 

“Analytic” languages like Chinese contain words that do not change forms to convey different meanings or grammatical information. Instead, Chinese uses additional words – like adverbs, additional particles – to convey these. 

“Synthetic” languages, on the other hand, contain words that can be broken down further into different word parts – including word roots, prefixes, and suffixes – which all contain meaning. Words can change their forms – mostly by adding and/or combining these different word parts – in order to convey different meanings and grammatical information. 

Chinese verbs remain the same no matter what role they are playing in a sentence, or what grammatical information they are conveying.

For example:

  1. 我琴日迪士尼。

  2. 我聽日迪士尼。

  3. 我哋幾年都一直有迪士尼。

  4. 迪士尼好好玩。

For example, the “time” and “state” of the action of “去" are different in sentences (1) to (3), but the form of “去" remains the same. In sentence (4), “去" is playing the role of a noun – the “doing” of the action of “去" – but it also has the same form. This is because Chinese words cannot change forms.

English verbs, however, change forms to express different grammatical information, including the time and state of the action as well as their role in the sentence:

  1. I went to Disneyland.

  2. I am going to Disneyland.

  3. I have been going to Disneyland a lot these past few years.

  4. Going to Disneyland is fun. 

In sentences (1) to (3), the verb “go” changes into different forms to convey different information about the “time” and “state” of the action. In sentence (4), the form of “go” conveys that the word is playing the role of a noun as it acts as the subject of the sentence. 

Let’s look at another example, this time with nouns. 

Chinese nouns do not change forms to convey “number” (as in, “singular” or “plural”).

For example:

  1. 呢間餐廳好出名。

  2. 香港有好多出名嘅餐廳

The noun “餐廳" remains the same even though it is singular in (1) and plural in (2).

However, English nouns take on additional endings or change forms when they become plural:

  1. This restaurant is famous.

  2. There are many famous restaurants in Hong Kong.

As you probably know, (most) grammatically countable nouns in English take on the ending “-s” (pronounced as /s/ or /z/ in speech) when they are plural. 

Because Chinese is “analytic” and English is “synthetic,” it is natural for Chinese native speakers learning English to not be sensitive to the fact that English words change forms to convey different meanings and grammatical information. 

If you have an awareness of this, you can try to avoid mistakes by paying extra attention to the word forms (especially of verbs and nouns) that you are using when speaking/writing English. 


Mini Exercise:

Translate the following simple sentences into English, paying attention to word forms.

  1. 嗰邊有好多。佢架係新嘅。

  1. 我想籃球。籃球好好玩。



  1. There are many cars over there. His car is new.

  1. I want to play basketball. Playing basketball is fun. 



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