


例如,英文屬於「印歐語系」的語言家族,與多數歐洲的現代語言都有「親戚關係」; 廣東話則屬於「漢藏語系」的語言家族,與其他諸如普通話、上海話和福建話等中文語言有「親戚關係」。







然而對英文而言,德文和瑞典文會比法文和俄文更近親一點,因為英文、德文、瑞典文都在同一個稱為「日耳曼語系」(Germanic Languages)的分枝上,而法文和俄文則是其他分枝 (分別為「羅馬語系(Romance Languages)」和「斯拉夫語系(Slavic Languages)」)的成員。






(English version)

Previously, we looked at how the modern languages that exist in the world today belong to different “language families” that have shared family histories.

The languages belonging to one language family are “genealogically related” to each other, sharing “genetic traits” of grammar, vocabulary, and sounds that they inherited from their common ancestors.

As examples, we saw that English belongs to the “Indo-European” language family and is related to most of the modern languages of Europe, whereas Cantonese belongs to the “Sino-Tibetan” language family and is related to other Chinese languages in this family such as Mandarin, Shanghainese, and Hokkien. 

If we go a step further, we will see that, even though all the modern languages in the same family (i.e. “language relatives”) descended from the same ultimate ancestor, they can be “closely related” or “distantly related” to each other, just like biological relatives.

This is because the oldest ancestor language in a family is separated from its modern descendants by a long stretch of time--just like many generations separate a biological ancestor and his/her modern descendants. During this time, different “branches” formed within the family tree and developed separately, and in each “branch,” there were “sub-branches,” and so on.

These “branches” and “sub-branches” throughout the history of a language family lead to many modern descendant languages. This is similar to how a biological family tree has branches and sub-branches, and an ancient biological ancestor has many different living offspring alive today.

In simplified terms, modern descendant languages within the same “branch” are “closely related” because they share more “recent” ancestors in the family tree. In biological terms, we can compare these closely related languages to “cousins with the same grandparents.”

Modern descendant languages in different “branches” of a language family tree are “distantly related” because they share more “distant ancestors” from further back in the family history. In biological terms, we can compare these languages to “distant cousins with the same great-great-great-great-grandparents.”

For example, English, German, Swedish, French, and Russian are all modern European languages belonging to the “Indo-European Language Family.” This means they are all relatives with the same ultimate ancestor.

If we consider these languages from the perspective of English, however, German and Swedish are closer relatives than French and Russian because English, German, and Swedish are in the same “branch” of the family tree, one called “Germanic Languages,” whereas French and Russian are in other branches (“Romance Languages” and “Slavic Languages” respectively).

In other words, English, German, and Swedish, close relatives in the “Germanic Languages” branch of the “Indo-European” family, descended from a common intermediate ancestor not too long ago in terms of the family history. English, French, and Russian, on the other hand, only share a common distant ancestor from a long time ago in the family history, before their respective branches separated from one another.

As we have previously mentioned, language families also pass down “genetic traits” to descendant languages like biological families do. As we can expect, “close language relatives,” like close cousins, have more shared inherited traits, while “distant language relatives,” like distant cousins, have fewer shared inherited traits.

When we are talking about languages, the “genes” that are passed down from ancestor languages to descendant languages include “traits” of grammar, vocabulary, and sounds.

Next, we will explore what the “genetic traits” that “closely” and “distantly” related languages share might look like in actual language families.


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