





我們可以將語言家族的歷史想成一個「家族樹」(family tree)。 「語言的家族樹」就如我們人類的家族樹一樣,在經歷多個「世代」的遺傳、演變和發展時都會出現「分枝」。

所有屬於同一個語言家族的現代語言,其實都是同一個「祖先」的「後裔」。換言之,它們全都有「親戚關係」 - 如同每個人類家族中的後代都互相有親戚關係一樣。









(English version)

Linguistics tells us that languages naturally evolve and change through time.

Because of this, languages have “histories.” 

The languages that exist today (“modern languages”) all evolved throughout their respective histories to arrive at their current forms, and they continue to evolve and change constantly.

Once we understand that all modern languages have histories, we can go on to explore the concept of “historical family relationships”—or “genetic relationships”—between languages.

The different modern languages that exist today belong to different “language families” that go back a long time in history. Each “language family” has a “lineage” that can be traced back to an oldest “ancestor language.” Modern languages that belong to the same “family” all descended from the same ancestor language.

We can think of the lineage of a language family as a “family tree.” A “language family tree,” just like a biological family tree, has “branches” and “offshoots” throughout many “generations” of inheritance, change, and development.

All the modern languages that belong to the same language family are “descendants” of the same “ancestor.” In other words, they are all “genealogically related”—in the same way that the human descendants of a family are all genealogically related.

As one example of “language genealogy,” English belongs to the “Indo-European” family of languages, one of the biggest language families in the world. Most (but not all) of the modern languages spoken in Europe, as well as many modern languages spoken in the Indian subcontinent, belong to this language family and are therefore genealogically related to English.

As another example, Cantonese belongs to the big “Sino-Tibetan” family of languages. All Chinese languages, for example Cantonese, Mandarin, Shanghainese, and Hokkien, belong to this language family and are genealogically related to each other—a fact that is obvious to most people more because of the shared culture and history of the people speaking these languages rather than the historical relationship between the languages themselves.

Just like in a biological family, genealogically related languages in the same language family have shared “genetic traits” of grammar, vocabulary, and sounds that they inherited from their common ancestors.

Before we look at how these shared “genetic traits” appear in modern languages that are related, we will first look at how, even within the same language family, different modern languages can be “close relatives” or “distant relatives” of each other depending on how they have developed throughout their family history. 


(Note: From a Linguistics perspective, if the speakers of two languages cannot understand each other without having learnt the other language, these two languages are separate “languages” rather than “dialects,” as “dialects” are mostly defined as mutually intelligible varieties of the same language, like Cantonese and Taishanese. 

As such, in all our discussions about Chinese in our blog, we treat Chinese languages as different languages, albeit related languages. For our purposes, we would mostly ignore the other social, cultural, historical, and political links that tie these different but related languages together, such as their shared writing system.)


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