Anyone Know…? 獨立問題句中常見的口語省略
Anyone knows where I can find this product? ❌
Anyone know where I can find this product? ✅
Does anyone know where I can find this product? ✅
那位朋友其實是想模仿口語的形式去表達,所以才省略掉獨立問題句開頭的輔助動詞 「does」。
這裡如果輔助動詞 「does」被省略,句子會變成:
Anyone know where I can find this product? ✅
例如,某句子的限定動詞字形是「is helping」(現在進行式,主動語態),當中已包含了輔助動詞「is」。如果我們要組織一個「是非」問題句,便須要把現有的輔助動詞「is」移前:
Anyone is helping you.* → IS anyone helping you? ✅
Anyone helping you? ✅
Anyone knows this.* → Anyone DOES know this. → DOES anyone know this?
Anyone know this? ✅
Anyone knows where I can find this product? ❌
(Does) Anyone know where I can find this product? ✅
Have you seen him this morning?
You seen him this morning?
Anyone Know…? Common Elision in Questions
I saw this wrong sentence imitating speech in a social media post by a Hong Kong friend:
Anyone knows where I can find this product? ❌
The verb form “knows” is wrong here. The correct way of forming this “spoken” question is:
Anyone know where I can find this product? ✅
We actually need the infinitive form of the verb “know” -- as in, “know” -- here.
Let’s step back to look at why.
The original sentence is actually:
Does anyone know where I can find this product? ✅
Now, what my friend was trying to do in her post was to imitate speech and “elide” (that is, “omit”) the auxiliary verb that is at the beginning of an independent question -- as in, the “does.”
This “elision” of the auxiliary verb in front is quite common in speech, especially in informal contexts in which we are speaking fluently and quickly. By extension, we also often leave out this auxiliary verb in informal writing that imitates speech, like in social media posts.
If we elide the auxiliary “does” of this sentence, it would become:
Anyone know where I can find this product? ✅
So, there is no problem with dropping this auxiliary verb in front. This is very common both in speech and in informal writing. However, the problem with the original wrong sentence is that the writer did not understand fully what the actual sentence is, and which part is omitted.
If you have taken our foundational course or learned how to form independent question clauses elsewhere, you would know that, to form a sentence that is independently a question, we need to move part of the finite verb to the front of the subject.
The part of the finite verb that we move in front is the auxiliary verb. If the finite verb form already contains an auxiliary verb, we would move that.
For example, if the finite verb form of the sentence is “is helping” (present tense, progressive aspect, active voice), then there is already an auxiliary verb in the finite verb, “is.” To form a “yes/no” question, we just need to move this existing auxiliary verb “is” forward:
Anyone is helping you.* → IS anyone helping you? ✅
So, when we elide the auxiliary verb in front of this question, it would become:
Anyone helping you? ✅
However, if the finite verb form does not already contain an auxiliary verb -- because it is in the simple present or simple past forms, which are only one word with endings -- then we need to first add the extra auxiliary verb “do” in the corresponding tense form.
For example, if the finite verb form of the sentence is “knows” (present tense, simple aspect, active voice), then there is no existing auxiliary verb. In order to form an independent question, we need to first add in an extra auxiliary verb “do” with the correct form, which would be “does” in this case, because we need the present tense form:
Anyone knows this.* → Anyone DOES know this. → DOES anyone know this?
Remember that, when we add the extra auxiliary “do” in the correct tense form, the original main verb -- that is, “know” here -- returns to its infinitive form, without the original ending “-s.”
So, when we elide the “does” at the beginning, the sentence would become:
Anyone know this? ✅
This is why the sentence at the beginning is wrong:
Anyone knows where I can find this product? ❌
The form of the main verb would not be “knows” here -- because this is an independent question. There is an additional auxiliary verb “do” that has taken the present tense ending to become “does,” and so the main “know” would return to its infinitive form, which is “know.”
Even if we elide the “does” at the beginning, which is common in speech and informal writing, the “know” would still be in infinitive form:
(Does) Anyone know where I can find this product? ✅
Just like everything else in grammar, what I explained above is systematic, and you need to apply this knowledge every time you try to elide the auxiliary verb in an independent question. You need to think about what the original sentence is first before the elision.
Mini Exercise:
What would this question become if we “elide” the auxiliary verb in speech?
Have you seen him this morning?
You seen him this morning?
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