有被動語態的動名詞組(Gerund Phrases): 「Being Chosen for a Flight Mission」 ✈️
早前我在一個學生新聞網站上看到一篇文章,內容關於 Katya Echazarreta – 第一位登陸太空的墨西哥女太空人。文章的首句如下:
Being chosen for a flight mission is not easy.
此句的主語是「being chosen for a flight mission」,限定動詞是「is」。當中還包含了謂語形容詞「not easy」,以形容主語的「不容易」。
主語「being chosen for a flight mission」並非一個「普通」的名詞組,而是我們所謂的「動名詞組」(“gerund” phrase)。
Eating makes me happy.
I like eating.
Eating pizza makes me happy.
動詞「eat」如要表達「吃某東西」的意思,會有一個直接賓語,例如「I ate pizza」。所以我們把動詞「eat」轉化成動名詞,表達「吃 pizza 的行動」時,它同樣會連接直接賓語「pizza」。
因此,「eating pizza」就是一個包含動名詞「eating」以及其賓語「pizza」的動名詞組。整個動名詞組發揮了名詞的功能,在這裡扮演了主語的角色。
Eating pizza for lunch makes me happy.
這動名詞組中多出現了一個修飾語組「for lunch」,修飾了「eating pizza」的行動。現在整個「eating pizza for lunch」都是動名詞組,整個動名詞組就是扮演這句子的主語。
Being chosen for a flight mission is not easy.
這裡同樣有一個動名詞組「being chosen for a flight mission」作為句子的主語,但它與動名詞組「eating pizza」有點不一樣。
這裡的動名詞「being chosen」具有被動語態(passive voice),但「eating」則是主動語態。
一般學生學「被動語態」(passive voice)時,都是學限定動詞有被動語態的例子。例如:
She was chosen for a flight mission.
這子句中的限定動詞「was chosen」有被動語態(passive voice)。具被動語態的限定動詞是由輔助動詞「be」的正確時態的字形,與主要動詞的一種叫「past participle」的固定字形組成的。
因此,如果我們想把動詞「choose」組成具被動語態的限定動詞,便須加入輔助動詞「be」(這裡是「was」的過去式字形,因為所需表達的意思是過去式),以及「choose」的「past participle」字形「chosen」,變成「was chosen」。
Being chosen for a flight mission is not easy.
首先我們需要「be」作為輔助動詞,然後,再加入主要動詞的「past participle」字形。
如上面重溫了,要建立動名詞組,我們須添加「ing」字尾 – 由於有「be」作為輔助動詞,字尾會直接加在它後面,變成「being」。
最後只要加入「choose」的「past participle」字形「chosen」,組合成「being chosen」。
「being chosen」就像「eating」一樣,也是個動名詞組,分別只是它具有被動語態。這動名詞的被動語態所表達的意思同樣是「被選中」,與其他動詞字形的被動意思無異(但它是名詞)。
不要因為「being chosen」是個有被動語態的動名詞組而被迷惑了,因為它究竟還是一個動名詞組,就如「eating makes me happy」中的「eating」一樣。
例句中的動名詞組是「being chosen for a flight mission」。介詞組「for a flight mission」是「being chosen」的動作的修飾語。
“Swim in the ocean” (在海中游泳)
________________________________ energizes me.
在海洋中游泳使我充满活力。“criticize” (批評)
________________________________ does not feel good.
英文中另一種非限定動詞的字形 – 「present participle」字形,同樣有「-ing」字尾。這可能會造成混淆,因為「present participle」並不是動名詞,它們是修飾語,而是名詞。
Eating ice-cream makes me happy.
「Eating ice-cream」中的「eating」是動名詞(geurnd)的字形,「eating ice-cream」是動名詞組。它的功能是名詞,擔當這個子句的主語。
Eating ice-cream, I feel happy.
此句也有相同的詞組「eating ice-cream」,但它不是動名詞組,而是「present participle」。它是修飾子句「I feel happy」的副詞修飾語,表達「在做吃雪糕的動作時,我會感到開心」。
它所表達的是,主語「I」在進行「eating ice-cream」的這個情境下,「feel happy」。「Eating ice-cream」為子句中的主要動作「I feel happy」去修飾它的背景資訊。它的角色並非名詞。
Gerund Phrases in Passive Voice:
“Being Chosen for a Flight Mission” ✈️
If you have taken our foundational course or followed our free learning content and newsletters, you would know that I always emphasize building up a systematic framework of understanding English grammar -- because, once you do that, every example you encounter in daily life will become a valuable learning resource.
I came across this first line from an article on a student news site. The article is about Katya Echazarreta, the first Mexican woman to go space as an astronaut:
Being chosen for a flight mission is not easy.
What can we learn from this sentence with our systematic understanding of English grammar?
Let’s pick out one thing to consolidate and learn within our framework.
The subject of this sentence is the phrase “being chosen for a flight mission,” and its finite verb is “is.” There is also a predicate adjective, “not easy,” describing that this subject is “not easy.”
The subject, “being chosen for a flight mission,” is not a “normal” noun phrase but rather what we call a “gerund” phrase.
A gerund is a special form of a verb that makes the verb into a noun. A gerund noun expresses the meaning of “the doing of that verb’s action” (該動詞動作的實行). We can add the special ending “-ing” to any verb to make it into a gerund noun.* For example:
Eating makes me happy.
I like eating.
If we add the ending “-ing” to the verb “eat,” we turn it into a gerund noun.
In these two sentences, “eating” is a gerund playing the role of a noun.
In the top sentence, the gerund noun “eating” (吃東西這動作的實行) is the subject, with the finite verb “makes.” The meaning is that the “doing” of the action of “eat” “makes me happy.”
In the bottom sentence, the gerund noun “eating” is the direct object of the finite verb “like.” It is the “thing” that “I like.”
Gerund nouns, because they are formed from verbs, can also retain any objects or modifiers that that verb would have. When this happens, the whole phrase, starting with the gerund itself and including all its objects and modifiers, would be the “gerund phrase.” For example:
Eating pizza makes me happy.
The verb “eat,” when it expresses the meaning of “eating something,” can have a direct object -- e.g. “I ate pizza.” So, if we turn this verb “eat” into a gerund to express the meaning of “doing the action of eating pizza,” it would retain the direct object “pizza.”
As in, “eating pizza” is a gerund phrase consisting of the gerund “eating” and its object “pizza.” The whole gerund phrase functions as a noun phrase, acting as the subject in this case.
Let’s add one more modifier into the gerund phrase as an example:
Eating pizza for lunch makes me happy.
Here, there is another modifier phrase “for lunch” inside the gerund phrase, modifying the action of “eating pizza.” Now, the whole phrase “eating pizza for lunch” is the gerund noun phrase. The whole gerund noun phrase is the subject of this sentence.
Now, how does this knowledge tie into the sentence we encountered at the beginning?
Being chosen for a flight mission is not easy.
There is also a gerund noun phrase as the subject in this sentence -- “being chosen for a flight mission” -- but something is different between this gerund phrase and “eating pizza.”
The difference is that the gerund here, “being chosen,” has passive voice, whereas “eating” has active voice.
We usually hear about “passive voice” in relation to the finite verb of a clause, for example:
She was chosen for a flight mission.
The finite verb here, “was chosen,” has passive voice. If you recall, a finite verb with passive voice is formed with the auxiliary verb “be” in the correct tense form that we need, plus the past participle form of the main verb.
So, if we want to turn the verb “choose” into a finite verb with passive voice (and past tense and simple aspect, like it is here), we need to have the auxiliary verb “was” plus the past participle of “choose,” that is, “chosen” -- “was chosen.”
However, it is not only finite verbs that can have passive voice. Any verb form -- including “non-finite” ones like gerunds -- can have passive voice.
The way that we form a passive voice form in a gerund phrase has the same logic as when we form a passive voice finite verb:
Being chosen for a flight mission is not easy.
We first need “be” as an auxiliary verb and the past participle of the main verb.
Because we are building a gerund phrase, we need to add the “-ing” ending -- because there is an auxiliary “be,” we add this ending to the auxiliary “be,” which gives us “being.”
Then, we just add the past participle form of “choose,” ending up with “being chosen.”
So, “being chosen” is a gerund noun phrase, just like “eating,” except it has passive voice. The passive meaning expressed by a gerund is the same as that expressed by any other verb form -- that is, it means “被選中,” except it is a noun.
Don’t be thrown off by a phrase like “being chosen” just because it is in passive voice. It is just a gerund noun phrase, just like “eating” in “eating makes me happy.”
Also, just like I explained above, gerund phrases can include the objects and modifiers as well.
In the example, the gerund noun phrase is actually “being chosen for a flight mission.” The prepositional phrase “for a flight mission” is a modifier for the action of “being chosen.”
The whole phrase functions as a gerund noun phrase, acting as the subject of this sentence.
Try to look out for other gerund noun phrases in active and passive voice in your daily life.
Mini Exercise:
Turn the given verb phrases into gerund noun phrases (with the correct voice). Then, complete the sentences.
“Swim in the ocean” (在海中游泳)
________________________________ energizes me.
在海洋中游泳使我充满活力。“criticize” (批評)
________________________________ does not feel good.
Swimming in the ocean energizes me.
Being criticized does not feel good.
Note that another non-finite verb form in English, the “present participle” form, also has the ending “-ing.” It might be confusing because present participles are NOT gerunds -- they do not function as nouns in a clause but rather as modifiers.
For example:
Eating ice-cream makes me happy.
The form “eating” in the phrase “eating ice-cream” is a gerund. The phrase “eating ice-cream” is a gerund phrase. It is functioning as a noun in the clause. It is the subject of this clause.
Eating ice-cream, I feel happy.
In this sentence, the identical phrase “eating ice-cream” is not a gerund phrase but rather a present participle phrase. It acts as an adverbial modifier to the clause “I feel happy.”
It expresses the meaning that the subject “I,” while doing the action of “eating ice-cream” in the background, “feel happy.” The phrase “eating ice-cream” modifies the “background conditions” for the main action in the clause, “I feel happy.” It doesn’t act as a noun.
We can explore this topic in another newsletter.
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