介詞組是多功能的修飾語 (介詞組 #1)


如果你曾上過我們的基礎課程,應該知道 prepositional phrase 介詞組是由一個像是「in」或「on」的介詞(preposition),與一個名詞組所組成的。


The Changs are on holiday.



所有介詞組都是具有修飾語的功能的 – 即它們的作用是完成句中另一元素的意思、或在另一元素上添加額外的修飾。

在這個子句的結構中,「on holiday」這介詞組是謂語形容詞組(predicate adjective*),即它是在表達「是」的「are (be)」後面,加入對主語「the Changs」的形容的,這句剛好是形容主語在「哪裡」。我們可以將這介詞組這裡的形容詞功能與一個簡單的形容詞做比較:

The Changs are on holiday


The Changs are happy.


與形容詞「happy」作簡單對比後,我們會發現介詞組「on holiday」和「happy」,在它們各自的子句中都有相同的謂語形容詞功能。


The book on the table is mine.


在這例子中,介詞組「on the table」是出現在「the book on the table」中的形容詞組,表達了這名詞組中的核心名詞的位置。**

當然,作為修飾語,介詞組也可以當副詞,即能修飾動詞的動作,以及子句中由動詞洐生的其他 元素。例如:

The Changs had a picnic in the park


此例子中,被底線標記的介詞組「in the park」,是子句中限定動詞的核心動作(即「張家在野餐」的動作)的副詞組,為核心動作添加了關於「地點」的修飾。

同樣地,我們也能透過與單字副詞作比較,清楚看到「in the park」在它句中的副詞功能:

The Changs had a picnic in the park


The Changs had a picnic happily








The book is on the table


像「on the table」這樣的介詞組,可以說是發揮了介詞組的最「基本」功能 – 表達出與名詞的「關係性」,正如例子中的「在桌子上」。


They were on duty


It was a good movie on the whole


介詞組「on duty」和「on the whole」是英文中有固定含意的固定表達方式。換言之,並非因為我們想表達「在上方並觸及」的「關係性」,而自行組成一個像「on duty」的介詞組,我們只是在句子中使用了這個固定的表達方式而已。

固定的介詞組表達方式表達的意思可以跟原本那介詞的「關係性」意思截然不同,就如「on duty」與「在上方並觸及」的意思是完全沒有關聯的。


They are relying on me







They are planning to call on him today.



如大家所見,介詞組的結構都是相同的 – 都包含一個介詞和一個名詞組。但它們可以發揮不同的修飾語功能,並在不同的情況下表達非常不同的修飾語意思。





  1. She placed her hand on his shoulder to comfort him.

  1. Please focus on your studies.

  1. He is working on a new project for his company.

  1. This craft beer is on tap at that bar.



  1. 表達與名詞關係的「基本」功能

  2. 完成動詞意思

  3. 完成動詞兼賦予新的意思

  4. 自身已是一種固定的表達方式





例如「you are beautiful」中,形容詞「beautiful」便是修飾主語「you」的謂語形容詞。


有一點特別要注意,在名詞組中的介詞組會出現在所修飾的核心名詞之後 – 這跟位於核心名詞前面的單字形容詞不同:

The book on the table is mine.

The thick book is mine. 




「On holiday

→ 「holiday」本身只是一個名詞

「On the table

→ 「the table」包含了冠詞(名詞標記)「the」和核心名詞「table」 

「On the high table

→ 「the high table」同時包括了形容詞「high」

「On the high table that I bought last year

→ 「the high table that I bought last year」同時包括了關係子句「that I bought last year」,亦是核心名詞「table」的形容詞修飾語

「On the high table that I bought in Italy last year

→ 「the high table that I bought in Italy last year」包含了另一個介詞組「in Italy」,充當了關係子句中的「I bought…」的副詞形容詞



Prepositional Phrases are Versatile Modifiers

(Prepositional Phrases #1)

If you have taken our foundational course before, you would know that, structurally, prepositional phrases consist of a preposition – a word like “in” or “on” – and a noun phrase.

For example:

The Changs are on holiday.


The underlined prepositional phrase consists of the preposition “on” and the noun “holiday.”

The whole phrase “on holiday,” as a unit within this clause, has a modifier function – that is, modifies another element either by completing its meaning or adding in additional information.

In the structure of this clause, specifically, “on holiday” serves the purpose of a predicate adjective* because it completes the meaning of “where” the subject of the clause, “the Changs,” are. You can compare the modifier function of this phrase with a simple adjective: 

The Changs are on holiday


The Changs are happy.


Through this simple comparison with the adjective “happy,” we can see that the prepositional phrase “on holiday” and “happy” serve the same predicate adjective function in their clauses.

Let’s see another example of a prepositional phrase serving an adjectival function, but as an adjective in a noun phrase instead of a predicate adjective:

The book on the table is mine.


In this example, the prepositional phrase “on the table” is an adjective phrase within “the book on the table.” It describes the “location” of the core noun “book” in this noun phrase.**

And, of course, as modifiers, prepositional phrases can be adverbial too – that is, they can modify the actions of verbs and other elements in a clause derived from verbs. For example:

The Changs had a picnic in the park


In this example, the underlined prepositional phrase “in the park” serves as an adverb phrase to the central action of the finite verb in the clause, that is, the action of “the Changs having a picnic.” It adds information about “the location” in which this central action took place.

Again, we can see the adverbial function of “in the park” by comparing it to a single-word adverb, for example:

The Changs had a picnic in the park


The Changs had a picnic happily


Now, we have established (or reviewed – if you have taken my foundational course before!) that prepositional phrases consist of a preposition plus a noun phrase, and that they are modifiers.

As modifiers, prepositional phrases have many functions and express many different meanings.

We can think of these functions/meanings in four main categories. 

First, the most basic function prepositional phrases serve is that they are ways for us to express “relational,” “directional,” or “positional” meanings with noun phrases.

Each of the many prepositions in English expresses a sort of “relational” meaning, and, so, when it forms a phrase with a noun phrase, this “relational” meaning is applied to the noun to create the meaning expressed by the whole modifier.

For example, the preposition “on” expresses the “relational” meaning of “above and touching” – so, when we add a noun to it, the meaning that is formed is “above and touching that noun”:

The book is on the table


A prepositional phrase like “on the table” can be thought of as serving the most “basic” function of prepositional phrases – that of expressing a “relational” meaning to a noun, like “above and touching the table” in this example.

Second, apart from this “basic” “relational” function, prepositional phrases also express meanings as fixed modifier expressions. For example:

They were on duty


It was a good movie on the whole


The prepositional phrases “on duty” and “on the whole” are fixed expressions with fixed meanings in English. In other words, we don’t “form” a prepositional phrase like “on duty” because of the “relational” meaning of “on” and the noun “duty.” We just use an expression like this as a unit as it is.

The meaning of such expressions can be completely unrelated to the original “relational” meaning of the preposition – like how “on duty” has nothing to do with “above and touching.”

Third, apart from being independent modifier phrases, prepositional phrases also complete the meanings of verbs. Many English verbs require specific prepositional phrases to complete them.

For example:

They are relying on me


The verb “rely,” like in this example, has the structural characteristic of requiring a prepositional phrase with “on” to complete its meaning – to express the “recipient” of the “reliance.” 

We also don’t “form” prepositional phrases with this function but rather just use them as a “structural requirement” when we need to complete the meaning of specific verbs.

Again, the specific and required prepositional phrase can have nothing to do with the original “relational” meaning of that preposition. 

Lastly, prepositional phrases can also complete certain verbs by giving them a specific meaning that is different from the original meaning of the verb. 

For example: 

They are planning to call on him today.


When the verb “call” is completed by a specific prepositional phrase with “on,” its meaning changes to “visit someone.” Again, we don’t “form” a prepositional phrase with this function but rather just use it as a “structural requirement” of “call” when we want to express this meaning. 

As we can see, structurally, prepositional phrases are all the same – they consist of a preposition and a noun phrase – but they can serve very different modifier functions and express very different modifier meanings in different situations. 

We need to have a systematic understanding of these functions in order to learn from examples and expand our productive knowledge of prepositional phrases. 


Mini Exercise: 

Which of the four “function categories” is each of the underlined prepositional phrases in?

  1. She placed her hand on his shoulder to comfort him.

  1. Please focus on your studies.

  1. He is working on a new project for his company.

  1. This craft beer is on tap at that bar.



  1. “Basic” relational function with a noun

  2. Completing a verb

  3. Completing a verb and giving it a new meaning

  4. Fixed expression on its own




A predicate adjective is an adjective or adjective phrase after “be.” It modifies the subject by “equating” to the subject through the meaning of “be.” 

For example, in “you are beautiful,” the adjective “beautiful” is a predicate adjective describing the subject “you.” 


One thing to note about prepositional phrases in noun phrases is that they come after the core noun that they modifier – unlike single-word adjectives, which come before the core noun:

The book on the table is mine.

The thick book is mine. 


I also want to add a reminder that language structure is in “layers.” As such, the noun phrase forming a prepositional phrase with a preposition can have any level of internal complexity – because we can always add more layers of modifiers.

For example: 

“On holiday” 

→ “holiday” is just noun by itself 

“On the table

→ “the table” is a core noun “table” with an article (noun marker) “the”

“On the high table

→ “the high table” also consists of the adjective “high”

“On the high table that I bought last year

→ “the high table that I bought last year” also consists of a relative clause “that I bought last year,” which also acts as an adjective modifier to the core noun “table”

“On the high table that I bought in Italy last year

→ “the high table that I bought in Italy last year” consists of another prepositional phrase, “in Italy,” which acts as an adverb phrase to “I bought…” within the relative clause

These are all just “one” prepositional phrase consisting of one preposition and one noun phrase!


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