現代英文中的「倒裝」#4:「So did I」(「subject-auxiliary」倒裝之二)


在上一篇newsletter (#3),我解釋了第一種在現代英文中會觸發「subject-auxiliary (主語--輔助動詞)」倒裝法的情景。 如果你忘了「subject-auxiliary」的結構是甚麼,可參閱此系列的 #2

本篇,我將討論會出現第二種 「subject-auxiliary」倒裝的情景。

在此系列的  #2 裡面,我描述這情景為:


Peter has qualified for the Olympics. So has Mary (qualified for the Olympics).


Peter qualified for the Olympics. As did Mary (qualify for the Olympics).





這情況下, 「subject-auxiliary」 倒裝便會被觸發。

因此,假如那(重複的)限定動詞已包含一個輔助動詞,就如第一組例句中的「has qualified」,輔助動詞和主詞便會互換位置:

Peter has qualified for the Olympics. So has Mary qualified for the Olympics.

同樣地,根據這種倒裝結法的結構,當限定動詞只有一個單字時,就如第二組例句中的「qualified」,我們便須要先加入額外的輔助動詞「do」(選擇正確的字形,這裡會是「did」),再把它與主語對調。別忘了還要把主要動詞變回 infinitive 基本字形,這裡即「qualify」:

Peter qualified for the Olympics. As did Mary qualify for the Olympics.



Peter has qualified for the Olympics. So has Mary.

Peter qualified for the Olympics. As did Mary.





  1. I studied Chemistry at university.  So __________________________.

  1. My parents have tried this before. So ______________________.


“Inversion” in Modern English #4:

So did I”  (A Type of Subject-Auxiliary Inversion)

In the last newsletter (#3), I talked about the first scenario in which “subject-auxiliary” inversion takes place in modern English. If you forgot what “subject-auxiliary” inversion is in terms of structure, you can review #2 of the series.

This time, I will talk about the second scenario for “subject-auxiliary” inversion.

In #2 of the series, I called this scenario “Clauses that follow the pattern of a previous clause, omit the “repeated” parts, and have the particles “so” or “as” in front”:

Peter has qualified for the Olympics. So has Mary (qualified for the Olympics).


Peter qualified for the Olympics. As did Mary (qualify for the Olympics).


These two pairs of sentences are typical examples of this scenario. 

In each of these pairs, the first clause is a normal clause, with normal word order. 

In the second clause, the finite verb is the same as the one in the first clause. The particles “so” and “as” (which are used in comparisons, meaning roughly “in the same way”) are at the start.

When this happens, “subject-auxiliary” inversion is triggered (and required).

As such, if the (repeated) finite verb already has an auxiliary verb, like “has qualified” in the first example, the auxiliary is inverted with the subject: 

Peter has qualified for the Olympics. So has Mary qualified for the Olympics.

As is consistent with this structural type of inversion, when the finite verb that needs to be inverted is originally only one word, like “qualified” in the second example, then we need to first add the extra auxiliary verb “do” (changed to the correct form, which is “did” here) and invert it with the subject. Remember to change the main verb back to its infinitive form, like “qualify”:

Peter qualified for the Olympics. As did Mary qualify for the Olympics.

The thing to note about this scenario is that the “repeated parts” are usually omitted, leaving only the inverted auxiliary (as a stand-in for the whole finite verb) and the subject. That’s why I put parentheses ( ) around the repeated parts in the original examples.

So, usually, we would say: 

Peter has qualified for the Olympics. So has Mary.

Peter qualified for the Olympics. As did Mary.

Because this scenario usually follows this exact pattern for the pair of sentences, you can just try to remember this pattern as a whole.


Mini Exercise: 

Finish these pairs of sentences with “subject-auxiliary” inversion:

a. I studied Chemistry at university.  So __________________________.


b. My parents have tried this before. So ______________________.




  1. 您好! 請問以下句子文法正確嗎?

    a) They studied Chemistry at university. So did I/we.
    b) I have tried this before. So has Mary / have Mary and Peter.


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