從日常生活中學習 #1:「subject X to Y」
只要我們認識了像課程中所教授的那種整體框架,自然就懂得對身邊一切遇到的英文例子(是的,確實是一切的例子 ),都以系統性的思維去學習到些甚麼。
「Scientist deliberately subjects himself to the world’s most painful stingers」
(Marshall, Candice. “Scientist deliberately subjects himself to the world’s most painful stingers.” Australian Geographic via Newsela. Edited by Newsela Staff, Version Max, 9 Oct. 2023, https://newsela.com/view/clkjw3a3p000i3b6asx9fiwnq/?levelId=clkjw2e9v37sa08nf0t0kde11, Accessed 11 Oct 2023.)
不如來學習一下「subject」(使到遭受 / 使到面對某待遇)這個動詞吧。(留意:當它是動詞時,在發音中重音位於第二個音節,即 「subJECT」/sʌb’dʒɛkt/)
這句中的動詞「subjects」是finite verb(限定動詞),與主語「scientist」相配合。
我們會看到它連接了一個 direct object 名詞(直接賓語) – 即這裡的「reflexive pronoun」(反映主語自身的代名詞)「himself」。
我們從而得知這動詞表達這意思時,是需要 direct object 的。這 direct object 是那個「被主語令到遭受或面對某對待」的人或物。
這裡,主語「scientist」故意令到「himself 自己」要「面對世界上螫人最痛的蜜蜂」,即故意讓自己被它們螫傷。
最後,我們看到「himself」後面還跟隨一組修飾語「to the world’s most painful stingers」。
這是由preposition「to」引出的 prepositional phrase 修飾語,由「to」加名詞組一起組成(「the world's most painful stingers」,即「世界上螫人最痛的蜜蜂」,是名詞組)。
意思上,這個「to」preposition phrase 中的名詞,就是那個「面對的東西」。
動詞「subject」配合 direct object 名詞,以及固定的「to」prepositional phrase 作為修飾語(可想成「subject X to Y」,「X」「Y」都是名詞組),意思便是「使到 X 遭受或面對 Y」。
我們也可以從標題和文章的語境(「科學家故意讓自己面對世界上螫人最痛的蜜蜂」 )之中看出,那個「待遇」或「面對的東西」都並非好事情,而是偏向是負面的。
例:These open water swimmers willingly subject themselves to icy waters every morning in winter.
The coach subjected his athletes to a tough training program.
原本例子也教會了我們,當這動詞的 direct object 名詞與整個句子的主語相同時,我們應該使用「reflexive pronoun」(反映主語自身的代名詞)。
例:The scientist subjected himself…
These open water swimmers subject themselves…
The teacher subjected _______________________________________.
The experimenters will subject _____________________________________ .
(English Version)
Learning from Daily Life #1: “subject X to Y”
My teaching philosophy is that understanding the grammatical framework of a foreign language is important because, once we do, we can use every daily example we encounter as “input” to learn systematically and improve quickly.
This forms a positive feedback cycle that allows us to consolidate the grammatical framework while expanding our vocabulary and knowledge of usage.
Ultimately, the goal is to communicate all the meanings we need to communicate effectively and accurately.
We cannot reach this goal steadily and systematically if we don’t learn words and ways of expressing different meanings within the framework of grammar.
Once we have the overall framework like the one taught in the course in place, we can learn something from everything – absolutely everything – we see in a systematic way.
In this newsletter series I’m calling “Learning from Daily Life” going forward, I will use examples that I encounter in my daily life – sentences, phrases, punctuation usages, words, anything – as jumping-off points to show you what we can learn from them in our framework.
This time, I want to use this headline from an article from the Australian Geographic magazine I read recently:
“Scientist deliberately subjects himself to the world’s most painful stingers”
(Marshall, Candice. “Scientist deliberately subjects himself to the world’s most painful stingers.” Australian Geographic via Newsela. Edited by Newsela Staff, Version Max, 9 Oct. 2023, https://newsela.com/view/clkjw3a3p000i3b6asx9fiwnq/?levelId=clkjw2e9v37sa08nf0t0kde11, Accessed 11 Oct 2023.)
This article is about a scientist who studies why bee stings are so painful.
Using our framework, what is one thing we can learn from this headline?
Let’s learn about the verb “subject” here (pronunciation: the word stress is on the second syllable when it is a verb, “subJECT” /sʌb’dʒɛkt/), including what meaning it expresses in this context and what grammatical properties it has when it expresses this meaning.
The headline means that “this scientist exposes himself to bees with painful stings on purpose.”
Using our framework, we can do a simple analysis of this verb in this sentence.
The verb “subjects” here is the finite verb of the sentence, with the subject “scientist.”
And then, we can see that there is a direct object – the reflexive pronoun “himself.”
This tells us that this verb has a direct object. This direct object is the “thing” or “person” that is “subjected” to something, in this case, “exposed” to the “painful bee stings.”
Finally, we can see that there is a modifier “to the world’s most painful stingers” following the direct object “himself.”
This is a prepositional phrase with the preposition “to.”
So, from this headline, we can learn that the verb “subject,” along with a direct object and a fixed prepositional phrase with “to” as a modifier (“subject X to Y”), means “put someone or something in a situation so that they are exposed to something or given a particular treatment.”
We can also tell from the context of the headline and the article – the scientist getting stung by bees – that the “treatment” or “situation” that the direct object is “subjected to” is something negative or bad rather than something good.
Let’s try to form more sentences with verb, now that we know its meaning and grammatical characteristics:
e.g. These open water swimmers willingly subject themselves to icy waters every morning in winter.
The coach subjected his athletes to a tough training regime.
The participants of the experiment were subjected to intense physical exercise to assess the impact on their cardiovascular health.
From the original example, we are also reminded that, when the direct object of a verb is the same as the subject of the whole sentence, we would use a reflexive pronoun:
e.g. The scientist subjected himself…
Try to learn something from an example you see today by briefly analyzing its structure and meaning. We will look at another example again together next time in this series.
Mini exercise
Try to finish these sentences with the verb “subject” to express the stated meanings:
a. The teacher subjected ________________________________________ .
b. The experimenters will subject ____________________________________ .
The teacher subjected her students to a hard exam.
(The teacher subjected her students to a hard exam to test what they have learnt in the past two months.)
The experimenters will subject the lab rat to a harsh environment.
(The experimenters will subject the lab rat to a harsh environment for the third time.)
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