


I’ve a meeting with them at 10 tomorrow.*



例:I’ve been waiting for this email. ✔

例:I’ve done this for years. ✔

以上書面句子用了縮寫的「’ve」是自然的,因為「have」在「have been waiting」「have done」兩個限定動詞組中,角色都是輔助動詞。

「have」是英文中其中一個輔助動詞。它的其中一個文法角色是與其他動詞一起組成不同的動詞字形,就如「have been waiting」和「have done」。這兩個限定動詞組中,「wait」和「do」分別是主要動詞(main verb)


不過,動詞「have」本身也具有自己的字面意思 --「擁有」,因此它自身也可以是一個主要動詞,當它是主要動詞時,會傳遞這「擁有」的意思。

例:I have a meeting tomorrow.

例:They have a red car. 



例:I’ve a meeting tomorrow.

例:They’ve a red car.









  1. My mom and dad have recently bought a lake house by Lake Conroe. 

  1. My mom and dad have a lake house by Lake Conroe. 


When can we abbreviate “have” to “‘ve”? 

My husband recently got a work email from a Hong Kong colleague that says:

I’ve a meeting with them at 10 tomorrow.*

This written sentence is quite unnatural.

It’s because the written abbreviation “‘ve” -- which stands for “have” -- is usually natural only when this “have” is playing the role of an auxiliary verb within the structure of the sentence. 

e.g. I’ve been waiting for this email. ✔

e.g. I’ve done this for years. ✔

In these sentences, the written abbreviation “‘ve” is natural because “have” is the auxiliary verb in the finite verb groups “have been waiting” and “have done.”

“Have” is one of the auxiliary verbs in English grammar. One of its grammatical roles is to build different verb forms with other verbs, just like in “have been waiting” and “have done.” In these two finite verb groups, “wait” and “do” are respectively the “main verbs.”

We usually only abbreviate “have” to “‘ve” when it is playing the role of an auxiliary verb.

The verb “have,” however, also has its own meaning of “possess/own 有" and, as such, can be a main verb itself too when it is expressing this meaning.

For example:

e.g. I have a meeting tomorrow.

e.g. They have a red car. 

In these two sentences, “have” is playing the role of a main verb. It is expressing the meaning of “有” itself and is not “helping” another verb build a verb form.

When “have” is a main verb itself, abbreviating it to “‘ve” is much less common and can sound quite unnatural to many native speakers:

e.g. I’ve a meeting tomorrow.

e.g. They’ve a red car.

Native speakers of different varieties of English might perceive this type of abbreviation differently, but you could avoid sounding unnatural to at all simply by learning the difference between “have” as an auxiliary verb and “have” as a main verb.

Learn to abbreviate “have” in writing only when it is an auxiliary verb and not when it is a main verb. That way, you would always sound natural. 

The reason why we tend to abbreviate “have” in writing only when it is an auxiliary verb is that,  in speech, auxiliary verbs tend to be less stressed and are often elided. The written abbreviation “‘ve” is meant to imitate this in speech. 

Of course, when we speak, even a main verb “have” could often sound very brief and unstressed. Regardless, in writing, we generally only abbreviate “have” when it is an auxiliary verb. This is a systematic tendency within English grammar as a whole. 

I will write about other English verbs that have such written abbreviations next time and explain what you need to watch out for in each case. 


Mini exercise:

Should we abbreviate the “have” in these sentences to “‘ve”? 

  1. My mom and dad have recently bought a lake house by Lake Conroe. 

  1. My mom and dad have a lake house by Lake Conroe. 



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