


與句號(full stop/period)相反,句號用於句子與句子之間,顯示一個句子結束與另一新句子的開始。





理解這點十分重要,因為人們有時會遵循不同的用法習慣來使用標點,或出於某些原因而故意不去遵循那些用法習慣,例如某些報紙雜誌可能會特意使用某種有別於常規習慣的「內部風格」(house style)。



逗號:用法習慣 #1


例: I said "hi" to him, and he waved back at me.

例: I said "hi" to him, but he ignored me.

例:I said "hi" to him, so he turned around.




例:He waved at me because I said "hi."
(在「because」連接的子句 [ because I said "hi" ] 前習慣不用逗號)


根據以上解釋的用法習慣 #1,我們可以在以下句子中的什麼位置加入逗號?

a. These drugs are in the early stages of research and it may be several years before they’re available.

b. Formulas are being touted online as an extra safeguard against the virus but they’re not approved by the government.


(English version)

Many students have asked me questions about punctuation use in English, especially about the comma.

In general, the comma is a punctuation mark that is used within a sentence to indicate how different parts of a sentence fit together structurally.

A period (or full stop), on the other hand, is used between sentences to indicate where one sentence ends and a new sentence starts.

I decided to write up a simple summary of five common usage conventions regarding commas in English writing.

A note about punctuation:

Commas are a type of punctuation, and punctuation is a human invention whose purpose is to make sentences easier to understand in writing. (Writing itself is a human invention.) 

Punctuation is not actually part of the natural language. That is why, when we talk about English grammar, we don’t need to take punctuation into consideration at all. 

When we talk about punctuation (including commas), we are only talking about "usage conventions" in writing. 

It is important to understand this because, sometimes, people follow different conventions for punctuation or deliberately avoid following certain conventions for different reasons. For example, some magazines might have a certain "house style" that differs slightly from conventional use.

The main thing to understand about punctuation convention in general is that its purpose is to make the structure of sentences easier to "break down" in writing and reading.

All the conventions that we will talk about will serve this purpose.

Conversely, if a punctuation mark makes a sentence harder to read, it is definitely not used "correctly."

Commas: usage convention #1

We usually put a comma in front of a clause linked by a coordinating conjunction.

e.g. I said "hi" to him, and he waved back at me.

e.g. I said "hi" to him, but he ignored me.

e.g. I said "hi" to him, so he turned around.

Coordinating conjunctions like "and," "but," "or," "so" connect clauses (with finite verbs) that are completely independent from each other structurally and are only connected "externally" because of a certain continuation of meaning.

We usually put a comma before this coordinating conjunction linking the separate clause – for example, before "and," "but," and "so" in the example sentences above.

We usually don’t put a comma in front of clauses linked by subordinating conjunctions like "because," "although," and "if":

e.g. He waved at me because I said "hi."  
(no comma before "because")

Mini Exercise

Where should we put commas in the following sentences to reflect convention #1?

a. These drugs are in the early stages of research and it may be several years before they’re available.

b. Formulas are being touted online as an extra safeguard against the virus but they’re not approved by the government.


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