

一個位於它修飾的元素前方的修飾語,語言學家稱之為「pre-modifier」(前置修飾語); 而在它修飾的元素後方的,則稱為「post-modifier」(後置修飾語)。









- 黑色(嘅)

- 喺床上面嘅

- 跌緊落地嘅

- 我琴日買嘅



- the black bag                          (vs. 黑色嘅袋)

- the bag on the bed                   (vs. 喺床上面號袋)

- the bag falling on the ground     (vs. 跌緊落地嘅袋)

- the bag that I bought yesterday   (vs. 我琴日買嘅袋)


但正如大家所見,英文其他種類的形容詞都是「post-modifier」。上述例子中,用以形容名詞「bag」的介詞組(prepositional phrase)「on the bed」、分詞組(participle phrase)「falling on the ground」、及關係子句(relative clause)「that I bought yesterday」,通通都它們修飾的名詞「bag」的後面出現,作出修飾。



Watch out for post-modifiers in English!

Across all languages in the world, modifiers--that is, words or phrases that add extra description and information to other elements--can be located in two positions: before the element being modified, or after the element being modified.

When a modifier is positioned before the element being modified, linguists call it a “pre-modifier.” When it is positioned after the element being modified, linguists call it a “post-modifier.”

An example of a modifier is an adjective (and, by extension, an adjective phrase). An adjective modifies (i.e. adds extra description or information to) a noun or noun phrase.

All languages in the world have adjectives and adjective phrases. However, because different languages in the world are bound by their own grammars, adjectives in different languages are also restricted by different rules, such as rules for their location. 

How do English and Cantonese differ in terms of the location of their adjectives?

In English, adjectives can be both pre-modifiers or post-modifiers, but in Cantonese and other Chinese languages, adjectives are always pre-modifiers.

Because Chinese does not have post-modifiers, Chinese speakers learning English as a target language would easily make mistakes when analyzing or producing post-modifiers in English, especially if they are not cognizant of this difference between adjectives in the two languages. 

If Chinese speakers understood that Chinese adjectives can only be pre-modifiers, while English adjectives can be both pre- and post-modifiers, it would be easier for them to produce English adjectives accurately.

What does it mean that Chinese adjectives can only be pre-modifiers? 

It means that adjectives in Chinese are always positioned before the noun or noun phrase modified. It For example:

- 黑色(嘅)

- 喺床上面嘅

- 跌緊落地嘅

- 我琴日買嘅

These examples above represent different types of adjectives. For example, “黑色嘅" is a simple adjective describing the “new” quality of “袋”; “喺床上面嘅" is an adjective describing its location; and “我琴日買嘅" includes a whole action with another subject “我" as the description, but all of these adjectives share the common characteristic of coming before the noun “袋.” In other words, they are all pre-modifiers. 

If we rewrite these same adjectives in English, however, only the first one would be a pre-modifier, while all the other ones would be post-modifiers:

- the black bag                              (vs. 黑色嘅袋)

- the bag on the bed                   (vs. 喺床上面號袋)

- the bag falling on the ground      (vs. 跌緊落地嘅袋)

- the bag that I bought yesterday   (vs. 我琴日買嘅袋)

In English, words that themselves act as adjectives are usually pre-modifiers. That is why the first adjective, “black,” is in front of the noun “bag.”

However, as we can see, other types of adjective phrases in English are post-modifiers. In these examples, the prepositional phrase “on the bed,” the participle phrase “falling on the ground,” and the relative clause “that I bought yesterday,” which all act as adjectives to the noun “bag” as in the Chinese, all come after the noun “bag.”

Speakers of Chinese should be aware of this difference between the positioning of adjectives in Chinese and English and pay special attention to post-modifying adjectives in English—that is, anything other than single-word adjectives. 


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